The installation of IVOISS is extremely easy

Installing IVOISS on an iPhone

You can install IVOISS on your iPhone by downloading the application from the App Store. Select App Store on your iPhone, search for IVOISS and install the IVOISS App on your iPhone.

Installing IVOISS on an Android device

You can install IVOISS on your Android device by downloading the Android application on our website. When installation is complete, select IVOISS to start the app.

Installing IVOISS on a PC

You can download the PC version of the Application from our Downloads section. Once the application is downloaded and installed onto your PC, you will be prompted to enter your mobile number and password to login.


When installation is complete, select IVOISS to start the app. On start up, you will be prompted to register with IVOISS, the free subscription option will only allow you to call other IVOISS users for free, for the other premium services you will need to make a minimum top-up of €10.

If you have already registered with IVOISS and have a mobile number and password you can use this to login. Please note that during registration you will be asked to enter your mobile number and you will get a confirmation SMS to verify. Your mobile number must be entered in the following format E.164 e.g. 44177755555 removing any + or 00. Your mobile number will be your username to access all IVOISS services.

When you have finished registering, you will receive immediate confirmation via SMS and EMAIL containing your registration details. After login, the display will confirm that service is available and using your available call credit you are now ready to start making and receiving calls using IVOISS.